Quotes To Think!!!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Golden Rules

Live every day as if it were your last. Do every job as if you were the boss. Drive as if all other vehicles were police cars. Treat everybody else as if he were you.

Early Bird

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Burden Or Responsibility

"A Burden is always on your head and a responsibility is always on your shoulders. So it is always easy to bear something on shoulders."


Self Solving Problems

Problems without solutions, sometimes have a way of solving themselves. Just put them aside, in a neat stack, and let time help solve them for you.

- J.W. Dillow -

Friend Or Enemy

It can take a lifetime to make a friend whereas; it only takes a second to make an enemy. Be careful of what you say and do around others.

Common sense

Among life's many mysteries
I have often wondered why
we designate as 'common' sense
A trait in such short supply

- ANON -

Running for Love

If every step I ran was a resemblance of how much I love you I would be running forever.


Truth n Rejection

"It's far better to tell the truth and be rejected, than to hold it back and be accepted"

Love Hurt

The one who loves you hurts you more because he digs your heart so deep that no one can pull him out...........

JK...thts me...lol